IMS Unison University's National and International Industrial Visits

National international industrial visits iuu

As education is rapidly evolving, where theoretical knowledge no longer suffices to prepare students for the complexities of the real world, practical exposure emerges as a crucial element in shaping competent professionals. Recognizing this essential need, IMS Unison University has integrated national and international industrial visits into its curriculum, underscoring its commitment to blending academic rigor with practical learning.

This blog delves into the significance of these industrial visits and how they serve as a cornerstone in empowering students with firsthand exposure to the corporate sphere.

The Essence of Industrial Visits

Industrial visits are a critical bridge connecting the theoretical knowledge acquired in classrooms with the practical realities of the professional world. They serve as an eye-opener for students, offering them a glimpse into the inner workings of industries and the myriad challenges they face in the current economic landscape. Such experiences are invaluable, as they equip students with a practical understanding of their chosen fields, enabling them to adapt to and navigate the complexities of the corporate world with greater ease and confidence.

How IMS Unison University Elevates Learning Through Industrial Visits

IMS Unison University has long recognized the transformative impact of practical exposure on a student's educational journey. By organizing regular industrial visits, we ensure that our students learn about the theoretical aspects of their courses and understand how these concepts are applied in real-world scenarios. These visits span a variety of sectors, offering students a broad spectrum of experiences and learning opportunities. Some of the notable companies that have been part of this initiative include:

1.Parle in Mysore:

Students witnessed the operational processes of one of India's leading food companies, gaining insights into production, quality control, and supply chain management.

2. Coca-Cola in Bengaluru:

This visit offered a deep dive into the beverage industry, showcasing the intricacies of beverage production, branding, and global distribution strategies.

3. The Tea Factory in Ooty:

Here, students explored the nuances of tea production, from leaf picking to processing and packaging, understanding the critical role of quality and sustainability in the tea industry.

4. VIP Industries and Eveready Industries in Haridwar:

These visits provided a closer look at the manufacturing sector, emphasizing the importance of innovation, efficiency, and market responsiveness.

Moreover, our approach to learning extends beyond these visits. It includes immersive experiences through study tours, excursions, and guest lectures. The School of Management, for instance, organized an enriching industrial tour to Patanjali Food and Herbal Park in Haridwar. Under the guidance of Mr. Manmohan Singh Rathore, Head of Administration and Human Resources at Patanjali, students delved into the FMCG sector's dynamics, exploring its functional units and operational processes.

Similarly, a visit to India Glycols Limited in Pharma City, Selaqui, Dehradun, offered MBA and Integrated BBA-MBA students valuable insights into the pharmaceutical industry, highlighting the operational nuances of a manufacturing plant.

Beyond Visits: A Comprehensive Learning Experience

Our commitment to practical learning continues beyond industrial visits.We regularly organize guest lectures and workshops on specialized topics like Digital Marketing and Data Analytics. These sessions, led by experts in their respective fields, provide students with up-to-date knowledge and skills relevant to the ever-changing professional landscape. This holistic approach ensures that students are theoretically proficient and practically adept, ready to tackle the challenges of their future careers.

Empowering Future Professionals

The industrial visits we organize play a pivotal role in molding students into future-ready professionals. By witnessing the operational realities of various industries firsthand, students gain a deeper appreciation of their coursework and its real-world applications. This blend of theoretical and practical learning fosters a more comprehensive understanding of their fields, making them more adaptable, innovative, and resilient in facing the challenges of their future careers.

Real-World Outcomes: Bridging the Academic-Professional Divide

One of the most compelling aspects of IMS Unison University’s industrial visit program is its direct impact on students' readiness for the professional world. These visits are not mere field trips; they are meticulously planned to align with the university's curriculum, ensuring students can connect theoretical knowledge with real-world applications.

Personal Development Beyond the Classroom

Industrial visits inherently offer a platform for personal development, fostering teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. This section could highlight the personal growth students experience through these visits. Narratives include overcoming challenges during these visits, interacting with industry professionals, and the impact of these experiences on their confidence and professional demeanor. Personal anecdotes from students who have demonstrated significant growth from shy, reserved individuals to confident presenters and team leaders could be particularly inspiring.


IMS Unison University's strategic emphasis on national and international industrial visits marks a significant educational step. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, the university enhances the learning experience for its students and prepares them to contribute effectively to their chosen professions. This forward-thinking approach underscores our role as a change catalyst, shaping tomorrow's leaders and innovators. Through these initiatives, IMS Unison University reaffirms its commitment to delivering an education that is about acquiring knowledge and making a meaningful impact in the world.